CAT Group Project

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As suggested by Nari and Minjoo, it is important to keep track of changes made during the process for a better coordination among group members. In fact, it is very common when people have to make some adjustments due to unexpected situations. For example, Nari and Minjoo mentioned that machine translation for Korean-English is far from acceptable, so they have to manually translate the text from scratch. Also, in another group, Cooper and Norbert mentioned that they were supposed to use OCR to digitalize a text, but somehow the tool didn’t work, so they were forced to type the printed text into Word by hand.

Although in our group project we didn’t have to make any major changes, upon further reflection I realize that it is always wise to have some back-up plans in real work. Sometimes we have to make changes because we lack certain background information, sometimes it could also be the technology itself. After all technologies are developed by human beings who make mistakes, so that there is no perfect tool. If one tool doesn’t work, maybe prepare for another one beforehand; if certain format isn’t compatible, then have the file converted in other formats…These preparations in advance would help control the workflow and ensure the overall efficiency.